Present | Past | Meaning (significado) |
Will | would | |
Shall | should | Deveria (sugestão) |
May | might | Poderia (ter permissão) |
Can | could | Poderia (ter habilidade, conseguir) |
Must | must | Deveria (ter obrigação) |
sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011
VERB TENSES – Conditional
When you use
Things that I would like to do but I can’t or I’m not sure if I can
I would like to go with you
VERB TENSES – Future using Present Continuous
When you use
Arrangements for the future
I’m traveling to Araras tomorrow
VERB TENSES – Future using Simple Present
When you use
time tables - open/close
start/finish leave/arrive
Where does the plane leave on Saturday?
VERB TENSES – Future Perfect Continuous
When you use
Things that I will have been doing during some time in the future
I’ll have been working while he fix the machine
Passive Voice
VERB TENSES – Future Perfect
When you use
Things that I will have done in the future
I’ll have finished my job when he arrive tomorrow
Passive Voice

VERB TENSES – Future Continuous
will / shall
When you use
Things that I will be doing during some time in the future
I’ll be working when he arrive tomorrow
Passive Voice
VERB TENSES – Future Simple
will / shall
When you use
Immediate decision
I will visit you.
Will you …?
Passive Voice
VERB TENSES - Past in the Future
When you use
Things that you’d intend to do in the past but you didn’t
I was going to call you when you arrived
VERB TENSES - Past Perfect
When you use
Two actions in the past. One happens before the other
I had finished my homework when she arrived.
Had you finished…?
Passive Voice
VERB TENSES - Past Continuous
When you use
Two simultaneous actions in the past
I was watching TV when he arrived.
Were you watching TV…?
Passive Voice
VERB TENSES - Past simple
When you use
Action which started and finished in the past.
I studied yesterday.
Did you study?
I went to Araras last week.
I was sick last Monday
Passive Voice
VERB TENSES - Present Perfect Continuous
When you use
Action which happened in past,
continuous today and we intend to do in the future
I have been studying English
Have you been studying?
Passive Voice
VERB TENSES - Present Perfect
When you use
Action which happened in past: - until now or
- we can see the results or
- just finished.
I have studied English
Have you studied?
He has just arrived
She has been sick
Passive Voice
Simple present – verbos regulares
Verb: to work (trabalhar)
Conjugação | Pronúncia | Significado |
I work | ái uôrk | Eu trabalho |
You work | iú uôrk | Você trabalha |
He / She / it works | rri / xi / it uôrks | Ele /Ela trabalha |
You work | iú uôrk | Vocês trabalham |
We work | uí uôrk | Nós trabalhamos |
They work | dêi uôrk | Eles trabalham |
Note que a 3ª pessoa do singular ganha um “s” no final do verbo.
Existem exceções.
Exemplo | Significado |
I walk every day | Eu ando todos os dias |
I have a car | Eu tenho um carro |
It rains a lot in winter | Chove muito no inverno |
The stores open at 9:00 o´clock | As lojas abrem às 9:00 horas |
We do a lot of things | Nós fazemos muitas coisas |
Margaret speaks four languages. (speak)
He _____ (read)
The museums _____ at 5 pm. (close)
I ______ coffee. (like)
He ____ his girlfriend (love)
We _____ games every week. (play)
To speak = falar
Four = 4
Languages = línguas
To read = ler
Museums = museus
at 5 pm = às 5 da tarde
To close = fechar
Coffee = café
To like = gostar
His = dele
girlfriend = namorada
to love = amar
games = jogos
every week = toda semana
to play = jogar
Os dias da semana
Os dias da semana
dia | Como escreve | Como pronuncia |
2a | Monday | môndei |
3a | Tuesday | tiusdei |
4a | Wednesday | uénisdei |
5a | Thursday | târsdei |
6a | Friday | fráidei |
Sábado | Saturday | sáturdei |
Domingo | Sunday | sãndei |
Os números
numbers | Como escreve | Como pronuncia |
0 | zero | zírou |
1 | One | uãn |
2 | Two | Tíu |
3 | Three | Trui |
4 | Four | for |
5 | Five | faive |
6 | Six | six |
7 | Seven | séven |
8 | Eight | êit |
9 | Nine | náine |
10 | Ten | tén |
11 | Eleven | eléven |
12 | Twelve | tiuélve |
13 | Thirteen | tãrtin |
14 | Fourteen | fórtin |
15 | Fifteen | fiftin |
16 | Sixteen | Sixtin |
17 | Seventeen | Séventin |
18 | Eighteen | êitin |
19 | Nineteen | náinetin |
20 | Twenty | Tíuenti |
21 | twenty one | Tíuenti uãn |
22 | twenty two | |
. | | |
29 | twenty nine | |
30 | thirty | tãrty |
31 | thirty one | |
. | | |
39 | thirty nine | |
40 | forty | fórty |
50 | fifty | fifti |
60 | sixty | sixti |
70 | seventy | seventi |
80 | eighty | êiti |
90 | ninety | náineti |
100 | one hundred | Uãn rãndred |
200 | two hundred | Tíu rãndred |
. | | |
1.000 | one Thousand | Uãn táusand |
2.000 | two Thousand | Tíu táusand |
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